glyXprep Glycan Labeling Kit PLUS

Price upon Request

Sample preparation kit for fluorescent labeling and purification of free glycans.

SKUKIT-NGlyLP Category

Our glyXprep Glycan Labeling Kit PLUS provides all necessary materials and solutions for fast, reliable and reproducible labeling and purification of glycans, including free oligosaccharides (e.g. from human milk) or O- and N-glycans released from glycoproteins.

This kit encompasses the glycan labeling and clean-up modules of the glyXprep sample preparation workflow:

Glycan Labeling: Selective tagging of free glycans with fluorescent dye APTS
HILIC‑SPE Clean‑Up: Purification of labeled glycans by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography based solid phase extraction

For more details about the glyXprep sample preparation workflow, please visit our product information page.

The glyXbeads separation matrix comes in two variants, either for purifying large and branched glycans or for small oligosaccharides (tetramers or smaller).

All glyXprep kits are available in multiple size options – for 16, 48 or 96 samples. Discounts can be offered for bulk purchases.


16 Samples 48 Samples 96 Samples
Labeling Ultrapure Water 200 µL 250 µL 500 µL
APTS Solution 40 µL 110 µL 220 µL
ReduX Solution 40 µL 110 µL 220 µL
Stopping Solution 1.6 mL 4.8 mL 9.6 mL
Clean-Up Washing Solution I 30 mL 100 mL 200 mL
Washing Solution II 20 mL 70 mL 140 mL
glyXbeads Slurry 5 mL 15 mL 30 mL
Elution Solution 30 mL 100 mL 200 mL
HILIC‑SPE Filter Plate 1 pc 1 pc 2 pcs
Waste Plate 1 pc 1 pc 2 pcs
Deep Well Plate 1 pc 1 pc 2 pcs
Plate Sealing Tape 2 pcs 2 pcs 4 pcs
The clean-up step of the kit requires a vacuum manifold system, which must be procured separately.