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We provide contract glycoanalytics, contract research and fee-for-service products helping to boost your product development efforts, from initial discovery phase and R&D to clinical trials and eventual product approval.

Our high-performance glycoanalytical services are individualized according to specific project requirements to best serve the needs of our clients coming from a variety of fields spanning science, medicine and industry.


  • Glycobiology
  • Synthetic glyco­bio­logy
  • Glyco­bio­tech­no­logy


  • Glycome analysis of blood and other bodily fluids
  • High-through­put screening of glyco­bio­mar­kers


  • Glycocharacterization of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals
  • Analytical process opti­mi­za­tion
  • Batch com­pa­ra­bil­ity stu­dies


  • Glyco­cha­rac­ter­i­za­tion of designer foods and dietary sup­ple­ments
  • Large-scale screen­ing of human milk sample cohorts

In addition to our services, we also offer a broad range of glycoanalytical products and tools including sample preparation kits, glycan standards, software tools and more.

Visit our Products information page to learn more about glyXera’s product catalog.

Glycan Analysis

High-Performance Glycan Analysis Solutions

We specialize in glycomic and glycoproteomic analysis of samples from a wide variety of biological and biotechnological sources.

Any complexity

We can handle all types of samples, ranging from highly purified material to crude extracts and environmental samples.

Any quantity

We will process any number of samples, from in-depth analysis of a few dozen samples to high-throughput screening of up to thousands of samples.

Versatile Analytical Workflows

Our expertise covers a wide range of glycoanalytical approaches which can be flexibly adapted to accommodate individual project requirements.

We specialize in high-throughput and in-depth glycoprofiling using our patented glyXbox™ technology platforms, delivering unprecedented performance and cost-effec­tive scalability.

Our glycoprofiling offering is supplemented by additional glycoanalytical techniques such as comprehensive glycopeptide mapping, general characterization of intact glycoproteins, and more.



Multiplexed capillary gel electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence detection.

Capable of high-throughput, in-depth profiling of N‑glycans and free oligo­saccharides.

Patented technology provided exclusively by glyXera.


Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection.

Capable of profiling N‑glycans and free oligo­saccharides.

The industry standard — robust and reliable.


Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.

Capable of profiling N‑glycans and free oligo­saccharides with linkage-specific stabilization of sialic acids.

Patented technology provided exclusively by glyXera.


Porous graphitized carbon liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

Capable of profiling N‑glycans and free oligo­saccharides, as well as O‑glycans.

The only way to perform O-glycoprofiling.

Glycoprofiling is provided for purified glycoproteins, protein mixtures (separated by 1D or 2D gel electrophoresis), or from complex samples.

We provide high-performance glycoprofiling with three different levels of sophistication

Glycopeptide Mapping

Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

for determination of glycosylation sites and glycan heterogeneity, gained using high-resolution LC‑ESI‑MS.

Site Occupancy Analysis

Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

of N- or O‑linked glycosylation sites of monoclonal antibodies or other recombinant glycoproteins.

Intact Glyco­protein Analysis

Capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry.
Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

via molecular mass determination of intact protein glycoforms, gained using high-resolution CE‑MS or LC‑MS.

Further analytical techniques on offer

  • Automated HMOS typing assigning different milk type groups to human milk samples based on matching characteristic HMOS profiles.
    Multiplexed capillary gel electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence detection.
  • Monosaccharide analysis consisting of separation and quantification of enzymatically or chemically released monosaccharides, e.g. terminal sialic acids or alpha galactoses.
    High-performance anion-exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection.
    Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection.
    Reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection.
  • Protein identification obtained via peptide fragment mass fingerprinting using tandem mass spectrometry.
    Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.
    Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
  • General glycoprotein characterization achieved using protein gel electrophoresis pattern analysis of one- or two-dimensional gels.
    One-/two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


Professional Laboratory Problem Solving and Guidance

With decades of combined glycoanalytical experience, our team of experts stands ready to assist you in planning, implementing and optimizing laboratory procedures and to guide you through all phases of product development.

We help you to select the best cell line regarding the desired glycosylation pattern of your target as well as to establish the best glycoanalytical approaches and methods.

In addition, we assist you in planning and designing your studies, for instance by identifying possible sources of contamination in your samples and advising you how to adapt your experimental setup accordingly.

We offer comprehensive glycoanalytical training programs for your team, covering all topics ranging from sample preparation to final data analysis.

Our training services are individually tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements and can be provided either on-site or remotely.

We provide our technical expertise to qualify and maintain your glycoanalytical systems and to assist in troubleshooting technical issues with your experimental setups.

Furthermore, we will advise you about which analytical systems, laboratory devices and workflows are best suited for your specific glycoanalytical purposes.

Have a Question?

If you would like more information about specific aspects of our services, such as project-specific fulfillment time frames and cost estimates, feel free to get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer any questions.