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New Publication in Engineering on New Method for In-Depth N-glycan Analysis


glyXera is proud to announce the successful publication of a manuscript entitled “Removable Dyes—The Missing Link for In-Depth N-glycan Analysis via Multi-Method…

New Publication in Xenotransplantation on the Analysis of Glycans from Knockout Pig Tissues


glyXera is pleased to announce that a successful collaboration with Hannover Medical School resulted in publishing an article in Xenotransplantation titled “Genetic…

Meet Us at the 54th Annual DGMS Conference


We are delighted to announce that glyXera will attend the 54th Annual Conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry from May…

glyXera Receives a Grant for Improving Energy Efficiency


We are pleased to announce that glyXera has received a grant to invest in improving energy efficiency in our company in Magdeburg,…