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glyXera and Partners in Academia and Industry Tackle Infant Respiratory Tract Infections in New Research Collaboration


We are pleased to announce a new collaboration between glyXera, the University Medical Center Utrecht, and Danone Nutricia Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands.…

glyXera Joins MiRAGE Initiative to Develop Novel Bioreactor Technology for Glycan Synthesis


We are delighted to announce that glyXera is a beneficiary partner in the MiRAGE cooperation project together with the Laboratory for Biomaterials…

glyXera Contributes to Guidelines for Improved Experimental Glycomics Data Reporting

Collaborations, Publications

MIRAGE (Minimum Information Required for A Glycomics Experiment) is an international scientific initiative, coordinated by the Beilstein-Institut, to standardize the reporting of…

New Publication in Nature Communications on Synthetic Glycans


We are pleased to announce that a successful collaboration between glyXera and Kaleido Biosciences (Lexington, MA, USA) resulted in the publication of…