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Andreas Bock

glyXera Receives EU Funding for Developing Next-Generation Glycoanalysis Software Solutions


We are pleased to announce that glyXera has received a grant supporting the development of novel software solutions for data analysis to…

glyXera Receives a Grant for Expanding its Glycoanalytical Instrumentation Repertoire


We are pleased to announce that glyXera has received a grant helping to establish our high-performance glycoanalytical techniques on a wider range…

glyXera Receives a Grant for Improving its Digital Infrastructure


We are pleased to announce that glyXera has received a grant supporting the modernization of the digital infrastructure at our facility in…

glyXera Receives Grant for Expanding its Facility


We are pleased to announce that glyXera has received a grant supporting the establishment of new laboratory spaces and glycoanalytical systems at…